Vintage-Lace Top

Vintage Lace Top

It's my 2nd project with Jasmine and Ken again. It was taken in front of my kos-kosan wkwk:D So here I mixed my soft green long skirt and my crop lace top and my chocolate wedges again, that already in the first project. I forgot where I bought those items. sowwyy... And you guys can change the soft green long skirt with other colors...maybe like pink, or's nice I think;) Happy Trying hahaha. 
So take a look here! :)
OH, BTW Crop Top is still a trend at this year, 2014!! Go grab yours ;)

it's the back of the lace crop top ;) you must add a white tank top there or another color, so it won't be lacy.

As I said, you can change the color of the skirt kk;) like this one. I got this inspiration from here BTW hehehe. It's OK right to copy it, as long as you use it in a good way;) 



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