A Very Short Holiday~~

Hey guyss!! sorry I haven't updated my blog again lately. my last post is on April and.......it's already at the end of MayX_X bahaha I think I've been busy lately because of my school and activities out of the school and that is kinda stressing me out hahaha especially the pressure from maschool._. shhh AAANNDD fortunately, luckily my dad saved me from this nightmare:p My dad have a business in BALII with his friends and he asked me to accompany him. soo without thinking again I SAID YESSS =D I arrived there about 3.00pm from Malang and my dad arrived there about 1.00pm from Papuaaa. it's quite exciting to throw my stress out although it's only a day-_- So this is my quality time with my dad.

But in Bali I used my time just for capturing the momentss...didn't focusing my outfit because I need someone who can take a nice pict for my outfit=P actually there's my dad,but....he's just so busy so=P

when I was in the Taxi and I saw the color of the sky is so unique...and I captured it;)

you know that brand in Kuta Road right...it's Japan's brand I think(maybe)

ahh you know this place righttt!!?

whooops, it's in the restaurant at the hotel, I love the color like seriously(?) it's colorful(?) 
The Coffee Bean....I've never been there but I think that's quite comfortable to hang out there(?)

 AAANDD this is my outfit when I was in Bali;)
 I wore top from[colorbox]; skirt from a Mall in Malang; Jacket from[solemio clothing]; [converse] high top sneaker; sling bag from[payless]; and the necklace....I forgot=P

yayy BYEEE =D I shared those picts tho in my Instagram;) @laraspramartika but it's more complete here! =D andd I will updated my blog ASAP=P maybe in two or three weeks OK hihi because I'll have a  semester test.....goshhh WML yaa guys:8 
oh yeaahh and in a month I will promote my online store at Instagram so stay tuned at my Insta so you guys will know what online shop is thiss;)



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