My Profile

Hi it's Larasati Pramartika Devi here, I'm Indonesian. I was Born in Tembagapura Papua on the 3rd of May 1998. I've lived in Papua since I was born till I graduated from my Junior High School.'s about 15 years! I just started to be active in a blog in this year, 2k14 and until now I quiet enjoyed it.

So here I wanna share my photos, and styles, maybe in a pictures or in a vids. I like fashion a lot. I started to like it when I was in the 3rd grade, because I work on a modelling :D I quiet enjoy it until now. Actually I wanna be a designer someday but it's OK to start it from a model, a blogger, and such other things! I like music too. I started playing music when I was in the 2nd grade, because in that time I already play a guitar. I also like photography. It's my new hobby actually. I start to like it when I was in the Junior High School.

OK so here I will show you my moments, styles, pictures, and lots of it!! Thank You for Reading!! :)


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