Singapore Trip Day 5 & 6

So I went to Orchard Road and Flyer in the 5th day, and I went to Gardens By The Bay in the 6th day. We just spent a view hours at Orchard Road because it is so hot but it's a really nice place to shopping especially for the branded things.^^ Oh yeaaa and I went there when Singapore Great Sale is up!! I was sooo happy bahahaha but I didn't buy lots of thing because I'm afraid that my luggage will overweight XD so after take a walk and take a look at Orchard Road, we went to Flyer. We wait for about an hour so we can choose the best timing for the nicest view from the top of the flyer. sooo I forgot but I think it's about 7pm or 6.30pm I went there and YAAASS when we were on the top of the flyer the sunset was reeallyy nice and the view from the top is niiice tho. Check this out xP 

Orchard Road and Flyer:

And at the Gardens By The Bay...ummm the garden is divide into 2 or 3._. And I went to the first garden...ahhh I forgot the name already xD but inside it they got so many flowers and fruits. I mean of course la it's a garden XD and there's a miniature of Eiffel Tower that surrounded by lots of colorful flower xD They got an animal sounds like birds and bugs too inside the buildings so we can feel that we are in the real garden that not inside a huge building xD andd they add aircon thoo so we can feel the real weather and "wind" there -__- just like in a real garden. and the second garden that I went to is like a Rain Forest. They designed this garden with high humidity just like the real one tho. andd check thizout!

Gardens By The Bay:

andd well after that we took lots of pictures of sunset and nights view from near Lotus just for an hours because we already too tired and then the next day(last day) we didn't go anywhere ;) cause we're too tired.



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