Singapore Trip day 1 & 2

  ....okay I'm late._. it's already 4 weeks(I think more than it) from I promised that I will post something in this blog, sowwy yaaap. hihihi. So, I will tell you guys about my Singapore Trip. I went there at 15th june and came back from Singapore at 22rd june. Soo it's about 7 days?? Yess. :)) That is the first time I went abroad=P and I was so excited theeeree hahaha._. The weather is so hot there, it's too hot deng-_- hahaha but it's fun. I went there with my friend too, Elsa. Ya know, she got a family the trip is more more exciting because we have peoples that really knows about Singapore. And her family there it's so nice with us. They alwayss! accompany us wherever. we. go. Too nice right :D Okay then!

So, the First Day we went to Merlion Park and Labrador Park Singapore. I right... :x oke right. We took a loootss of photos there. I went there with my friend of course and my friend's uncle. He's sooo nice. Soo take a look the photos here ;)

Here's the Merlion Park&Statue:

It's actually under a road. But the contruction is niceeee.

 And it's in Labrador Park:

 The color of the sea and the rocks are beautiful right.... ;)

 Ummmm... I don't know why I just love to capturing my feet, like to show where am I standing or kinda like that. =D

It's almost sunset there and the color is just...perfect! It doesn't need any filters or some lens. And you know the sunset in Singapore is like almost 7.30 pm. Just like in Bali ya know...

 OHHH but this one I took it with some filters =))


AAAAHHH and I forgooot. I went to a mall that noon tho ahahaha how can I forgot it... I went tooo Marina Square thooo. =D

And the Second Day I went to Bugis, you know it's the cheapest shopping area in Singapore. Yea it's cheap because it's only need one or two number (I mean $5 $30) and it'll look so cheap.=)) wakaka but if you convert it to rupiah I think it's just the same with Indonesia-__- ohh yeah and I didn't take lots of photo there because that's time for shopping! =P andd it is also too hot there.



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